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BYRNE, Patrick

He enlisted at Brisbane on the15/08/1916 at age 30 years 10 months. Son of Mr Patrick and Mary Byrne. His next of kin (NOK) was his wife Mrs Johanna Byrne of Arthur Street New Farm Brisbane. He had 5 children, Hector  James, Mona, Irene Mary, Francis Joseph, and Evelyn.


On enlistment he was 5 feet 4 inches and 122 pounds and stated his occupation as a labourer, he was also a jockey and prior to enlistment had a fall from a horse and received right side chest injuries. On the 22/07/1917 he was to be returned to Australia for Home Service due to old chest injuries.


After much research it was discovered that his father owned The Burnett Pub. (The Australian War Memorial has only 2 P. Byrne names being Patrick Bryne, which is the story above and  Patrick Joseph Byrne who was  born, living and enlisted in NSW)

If you have information about any of the personnel listed on this website, please contact Keith Wrench at

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